Business & Tech

Local Business Helps Gulf Coast

Fringe Salon on Springfield Avenue in Maplewood is collecting hosiery to help with oil spill remediation in Louisiana and Florida.

South Orange resident Kim Hammer is asking local residents to bring her their hosiery in an effort make "booms" to help clean up the Gulf Coast oil spill. Hosiery can be dropped off at Hammer's Maplewood business, Fringe Salon, at 1874 Springfield Ave.

Explained Hammer, "My business has been working with a company [Matter of Trust] for many years that collects hair clippings that are then turned into hair mats. These hair mats are for the use of emergency oil spills. This company is working tirelessly around the Louisiana and Florida areas to brace for what is an incredibly devastating oil spill. They desperately need nylons to help make booms with the hair to try and contain a certain percentage of this spill. We are trying to work as quickly as possible to collect as many as we can to send out. If you have any used or unused nylons, knee highs or tights, you can drop them by Fringe."

To find out more about the company, Matter of Trust Hairmats, watch this YouTube video.

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